Monday, November 03, 2008

Halloween In tokyo

Hey there. A quick picture of some folks walking out of a Denny's in Osaki. Was hanging out at the footnik with a couple of friends having a couple of beers. A very quiet Halloween for us three. Although we did see a few folks in costume... these three folks were kind enough to allow me to take there picture.

Halloween has become a bigger and bigger event in Japan over the last few years. I think that its a pretty popular even more for folks in there 20's than it is for kids. People tend to dress up ('cause the Japanese tend to like a little bit of costume play...) and then go out drinking. But we never have any kids going around the neighborhood saying "trick or treat" or anything. Shame in a way.

Some numpty foreigners have a party on the Yamanote train. I don't really have a huge issue with this, but I've seen there Youtube videos and found their attitudes pretty revolting. Very arrogant as though they know it all and all those who disagree with them are ignorant. Me... At this point in my life, would prefer a couple (or few) quiet beers with friends.


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