Saturday, October 31, 2009


Yokohama stages a pretty good Octoberfest. All german beers, the food wasn't great, but the beers were really good. We went down for Brandon's birthday, and had a few drinks together. Was a good afternoon, not the best weather, but managed to not let a little rain scare us off. The only problem with events like these, is that even if they generate a little interest they will be massively crowded. Basically you've got 20 Million people who live within a couple of hours train ride away (or less.... ) and its not hard to get 10,000 people to show up. So yeah. It was pretty crowded. But we got seats, and sat. And drank. Goodness.

Beers were all german (well some from Yokohama brewery ... but were german style and good!) Eirdenger, Paulaner and even the Hoff Brau Haus. The crazy thing was the deposit on glasses, 1000 yen for a normal glass, and for the cool stiens and big one liter glasses was two or even three thousand yen!! You got it back. Some advice... watch out for the Yanks from the base trying to take your glasses to get the deposit back.


At 6:37 PM , Blogger Fraser Anderson said...

1000 yen? what is that in Euro? or Can?

At Oktoberfest in Germany you have to pay a deposit of 6 euro or so for a 1 litre bierkrug.


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