Sunday, June 18, 2006


Yesterday I went to meet a couple of really long time and good friends of mine in Yokohama. It has been a long while since I had seen either of them.

First stop was Yokohama station to meet my friend Yuki. She and I met on a train many years ago while both of us worked in Odawara. We wound up working close together again only a few desks apart at my current company. Last year Yuki got married and move to Philadelphia. Needless to say this is a pretty big step for anyone! She seems to be doing well, and looked really genki. Yuki and her husband Dean (who unfortunately I have not yet met) bought a house and she showed me some great photos of her working on her house. Painting, scraping etc. The place looked great to me (yes Yuki I really do like the colours!!!) and I wish I had a place like that too. One thing though Yuki... Good luck with the winters.

After a good chat with Yuki I had a little time on my hands and went over to Landmark Tower / Queens square. I used to come here religiously to the English language book store in the mall (Yurindo) when I was teaching English and living in Fujisawa. The place is still a good book store and I dropped 5000 yen on books.

One neat thing about Queens Square is the set of curved escalators that they have... I still have not seen one anywhere else. I've seen it a lot, but no matter what whenever I get on it, I think how unique it is.

After that met up with my friend Doug, reminisced, and talked much over a few beers by the bay. I good evening followed as we went to a beer garden on top of one of the deparment stores near Yokohama station. Really would have been a nice night to sit outside, continue talling crap :), but the weather refused to be agreeable and pissed down for most of the night.


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