Monday, May 17, 2010

Who says its not all roses!

Here in Tokyo my neighbor grows roses. This is great for me, as I don't have to do anything to enjoy or have a nice rose lined driveway. Great thing I tell you. He even cut a few down the other day and gave some to Kiyomi after she commented how great they looked!

Friday, May 07, 2010

One More Thing for Kodomo no Hi

One thing I didn't post yet... the koinobori. Set this up on top of the house... was up there only for a few days... will get it up for a couple of weeks next year.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Children's Day (Boys Day)

Well... the title of this post may get me into some trouble I guess. I know that the name of this holiday is really Children's day, but lets face it, in Japan it really is boys day. It seems that all the traditional things that you do, you only do if you have a boy! Koinobori? Helmet... yup... they really are only for boys. Luckily, Joji does fall into this category, and we have celebrated boy's day in style. 

Kiyomi's Parents found this Kabuto (helmet) in an antique shop in their neighborhood... lucky us as it was nicer and way cheaper than any of the crap that we have seen for sale in Itoyokodo, Seiyu, or Akachan honpo. That stuff was price... I mean hundreds of dollars for stuff that Liberaci would have found tacky! Anyhow this is the one we got, and I'm pretty happy with it. We'll have to pack it up tomorrow as you have to clean up the day after its done.

To celebrate the day we headed over to Kiyomi's folks to have a little celebratory lunch. Below is a picture of some of the traditional food we had for the day. The big fish is a Tai... which might (or might not...) be a red snapper. But not really sure.

Joji also got dressed up in a little Kimono for a little bit of the afternoon. He was a surprisingly cheerful little guy during the whole thing. Lucky us!

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Ooi Futo

One of the places that I guess I write about from time to time is Ooi Futo. Its a great place to cycle, as I know I have described many times. In fact, did six loops today of the course we use. By the time I got home it was something like 65km or so. Not a bad amount for a sunny Sunday.This isn't just me, but also a couple of hundred other cyclists that like to use the same circuit as us. I would guess that on a busy weekend there are easily a couple of hundred cyclists. There is also some crazy cycling gear there too.

 From time to time, Kiyomi and I will also head out to another spot in Ooi Futo, called Jonan Jima. Its a small little beach park which you can walk around, play in the sand and generally use as a backyard (backyards are just not very common for us normal folk in Tokyo). People will lounge around have picnics and all in all just enjoy being outdoors. Also, its free.

Today, did something a little different... at least for me. I guess in a way it was a little tribute to Mr. Cole heading back to England, but, also had promised Kiyomi for a while. Today she made me keep my promise to go and walk around - despite the above mentioned 65km. I jest, as I wanted to go to. The weather was great and if I didn't get out and enjoy it I know that I would have felt that I just wasted it! We really have waited a long time for spring to finally arrive this year, and I for one, will take complete advantage of it!

Anyhow... here is a couple of Photos that I snapped in Ooi Bird Park:

Perhaps someone can let me know what I photographed here. Got out my 90-300mm zoom lens and snapped away. Lots to see. Therefore lots to photograph too. 

Got a guy in flight...

And of him landing...

Kiyom and I enjoyed our time there, I think Joji will more in the future too. Lots of stuff for kids to see and do and run around. I look forward to these days.