Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My Wii Pisses on the PS3

If you're not into Games you may want to skip this post. Don't say you weren't warned :).

If you read my previous comments you will see that I bought a Wii and also wrote of how Kiyomi has totally fallen in love with the thing. I haven't seen her enjoy any piece of electronics like she has the Wii and it is totally hilarious to see her jump around and play with it. The Wii is a tightly designed very specific functional device. Really it is about entertainment, through games mostly and has forgone a lot of the on-line experience.

I didn't mention that I had also bought the PS3 (60GB version) and am using that now. I couldn't imagine two more different systems competing in the same space. Were the Wii is small and compact, the PS3 is heavy and cumbersome. The Wii fits anywhere around my TV, the PS3 is hot and needs to be in a nice ventilated area. When you crack open the PS3 you see a boring brown box that had very little other than the base unit in it. Certainly nothing with any color on it at all.

When you crack open the Wii you see a colorful well laid out box.Something that would be friendly to the novice and first time buyers. I am hardly a novice, and just find that this attention to detail is nice when I buy an expensive item. It was much more friendly and easier to setup. Now, the only saving grace here is that that perhaps the solution from SONY is more environmentally friendly... I don't know for sure though, there was a lot less ink that is for sure.

Hardware. Both of them come with the main unit and one controller. The PS3 was physically easier to connect, but not really impressed with the charging solution for the controller. I would prefer to see something like a vacuum clear power cable that comes in and out. Although the USB solution is very easy and universal. I know I can buy these roll up ones as an extra easy enough. Nice big power cable, and connected to my DTS decoder for surround sound. All this was easy enough. I am not a fan of the look of the PS3... I prefer Mat finishes to glossy, and I don't like the cheesy plastic silver bit they used for the front of the DVD/Blueray. I think that this bit looks extremely cheap. Do like the memory card reader though. That is really handy for photos.

The Wii didn't have much more to hook up, but with an external power brick a little more of "where do I put this huge cable". Once I had decided that had to clean up around it and placed it. It is tiny... and has a stand so you can place it vertically or horizontally. Basically it looks like an older external DVD/CD drive. Actually I don't like thelook of the Wii either. Again it is glossy, and less impressed with white. Still it has some pleasant blue lighting on the drive slot, and is small enough that you can tuck it anywhere. This is NOT the case with the PS3.

The next step was hooking up to my wireless LAN. On the PS3 this was simple enough, basically the same as a PSP, and found that I immediately needed an update. Amazing... never impressed with Day one updates. Doesn't seem like you released a "Gold" product. Was not also happy with the account you need to create at this point. Asked way too much personal detail and would rather not give SONY my credit card details from the start. Have not heard anything about how secure it is. The Wii was a lot easier, and offers a lot less. But what it had was fairly functional Got Opera downloaded and installed on it, as well it sets up a default Weather information channel. I find the weather information really cool.

Launch games. Aside from Wii Sports (really fun, but long term will be a showcase piece) and Zelda I think that the Wii Launch games are not that impressive overall. Nothing else available in Japan really makes me want to buy more. Having said that the PS3 games are absolute junk. For all the new power of the system none of them do anything new. Okay the graphics are better, but really not that impressive. Fall of man is getting good reviews, but I played it and found the controls irritating
and gave up quickly. My other friends seem to think is fun, but Iwouldn't bother. They had better get things together quickly and sort out the titles as they are pretty shit. Aside from that they are REALLY REALLY expensive. I can buy cheaper English PC games than I can local Sony PS3 games. That is not impressive at all. As good as Fall of Man might be, I think it is still well behind Half Life 2, F.E.A.R. and even Prey on the PC. Not only do they look sharp, but the controls are way way easier. Not to mention... if I was going to think of that kind of game on a console I think that would have gone for the XBOX and gears of

Anyhow more than anything else a game consol is defined by its games. Right now the offerings on the PS3 are dreadful. But I believe that will change, and really do look forward to the day there are games that I am excited about the release! For now the Wii is just a cheaper, more fun package with fun games.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

New Exit in Musashikoyama

The new exit in Musashikoyama is done! We finally have one that is close to my house! No more waiting for the elevator! Anyhow as you can see this side is a little smaller, a bit strange considering that this is the one that will face the shopping area. Not sure why they made the other side bigger. Anyhow just happy to see one on this side of the station.

A quick Trip to the Shrine

Today we headed out to Kiyomi's favorite shrine and had our Yearly blessing in Shinjuku. The shrine is about a ten minute walk from Shinjuku station, on the edge of Nishi Shinjuku Koen (西新宿公園 - park = koen). It is a small little park, but a nice bit of green in the middle of a bunch of hi-rise buildings that make up the Nishi Shinjuku area. The park was fairly busy as there was a flea market, and the usual crowd of people hanging out. (Actually the park is a little famous for its homeless, although seemed to be far less than Ueno.)The Nishi Shinjuku area is pretty much a creation of the bubble period Japan, and formed a more business district than the opposing side of the station that is more notable for its shops and restaurants.

Dominating the view of Nishi Shinjuku (and also the park) is the Tokyo City Hall. Actually Tokyo is not really one city, and is a group of Wards (known as "ku" here) and a couple of cities (I think four but can only name too - same with Kiyomi). The head guy that is elected is not a Mayor, but a Governor. The current Tokyo Governor is Shintaro Ishihara and is known throughout Japan, and sometimes Asia to be an outspoken politician. Sometimes I like what he does/says, other times not as keen. This giant set of buildings seen in the picture to the right are where the city is run from. It is pretty impressive and there is a nice free viewing area to check out the city. Definitely something visitors should do as it is free and then you can head into Shinjuku.

This is a view of the shrine that we went to visit. You enter a Shrine via the front gate (or Torii in Japanese). This Torii is a little bland in my mind being made of concrete, not the more traditional wood. As said before you can see that Nishi Shinjuku was created more or less during the 80's and 90's, even when you look at its more "traditional" aspects. Behind this Torii you can see the tall buildings which house the Grand Hyatt Shinjuku, famous as the back drop for the movie Lost in Translation. The bar in the movie is also in the Hotel and is supposed to be great (although expensive). The restaurant is always picked as one of the best in Tokyo. If you have some cash to throw around head out to New York Grill.... I am told you will be pleased.

Here is the actually building for the Shrine that we went to. The same Shinto Priest has been doing the ceremony for us for about three years now. We went for the first time together the January after we got married. They started to recognize us and remember... The ceremony is kind of neat, and glad to do it. Hey whatever keeps the wife happy right??? Afterwards a bit of shopping around the stores in Shinjuku and headed home quite beat.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Poor Poor San Diego

Of all the NFL teams that people in Japan seemed to be following, it was the Chargers. We were all pretty shocked to seem them blow it in the 4th to the Pats. I was pretty sure there defence would hold out. Funnily enough my brother Greg called it right sometime in mid December. He said "They are a good team but Schottenheimer will blow it in the playoffs". You should have put some money down on that one Greg. But then again I it was a close game and I doubt they bead the spread.


Wii Wii Wii all the Way Home

Last Friday I had some time to kill and went to Biccamera in Yurakucho, not really very far from my office or Tokyo station. This 8 story electronic store really gets a good chunk of my disposable (not saving folks) income. Anyhow they were selling Nintendo Wii's. So I lined up for about 15 minutes and picked one up (plus a spare controller and also Wii sports). Let me say that it is really really fun, and changes what ideas and preconceptions that people have for gaming. It really will change what people will do for fun in the near future. Next stop... holodecks!

Kiyomi also loves the thing. She has nearly destroyed much of the living room, and is jumping around playing Tennis and bowling. Amazing to see how quickly she has picked it up. She is completely mad for it, and I guess now understands the joy and relaxation I get from my own gaming pursuits.

Funny too though that my gaming is what has led me to my career in computers.

Anyhow go out, get a Wii the whole family will love it. Setup is really really easy too.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Back On the Bike

Today was my first day to ride to work since the Christmas Break. It was a pretty chilly ride, but my new equipment from MEC (mountain equipment co-op) really helped out. I really do recommend the Woosh bicycle jacket to anyone that rides in somewhat chilly weather. It was really quite warm when I put a fleece underneath. The new gloves I got were really good too.

It was hard to drag my ass out of bed at 5:50 this morning... and the ride to work was kind of slow, but I have to tell you... VERY rewarding when I was riding home. Totally relaxing and totally amazing feeling of freedom. Yeah was a little bit of a tough day, but it all melted away when I managed to finally get out and hit my first hill.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

In Honor of Elvis

January 8th was the birthday of Elvis. Read this on my buddy Frasers blog, and then confirmed it through Wikipedia (just in case he was talking about a different Elvis). Anyhow, last year at my friend Matts wedding... he had a Japanese Elvis impersonator perform. I know... sounds cheesy... well it was really good fun. And the dude looked great. Check this out.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Wooden Bike

Going through some of my older photos and found this picture. While walking around Kyoto my wife and I stumbled across this wooden bike. Pretty cool I wonder how it rides. I also do wonder where the heck someone would order something like this? Or if the guy built it himself (or the girl built it herself). Anyhow just shows you the cool stuff that you can stumble across while walking around Kyoto.

Coming Of Age Day

Lucky for us in Japan this weekend is a three day weekend. Even though we just got finished with the end of year holidays, well we have another one. As a person who really does not complain when he doesn't have to work, I have to say that I am quite happy that I had the day off. Did not really do much today, did head out to a buddy's place for an hour or too and checked out a game or two on his PS3. It was pretty neat.

Back to the Day off. Well if you want, check out the following link:


It will take you to a photo journal from the Mainichi Daily News, a decent site for Japan news. Good photos too. Check out the link and see how all those who turned 20 in the last year look today.

Some Late Christmas Themed Photos

Just some photos of the details that you see around at Christmas time in Toronto. Was not that cold, so was a green (grey/brown) Christmas. Not so unusual at this time of year anymore. The inside photos were taken by me in the house, and the outside ones were taken by Kiyomi of some of the houses in the Rosedale area.

Happy New Year (Belated)

Happy New Year to everyone. I hope that you had a good new years even and not too much of a hang over on New Years Day. Best wishes to Tia and her appendix operation! Hope that she does well and that her recovery is a quick one!

Changed the site

Hi All, I am playing around with the some new formatting on the website so you may see a few changes here and there over the next week or two. Once I finally decide on what I like I hope that it will stay stable for a while!