This week in Japan is referred to as "Golden Week", as a group of national holidays all fall within one week. I have used two of my paid holidays and I have a full week off. Not an upsetting thing at all! Basically will just chill out, do some cycling and enjoy not being at work.
Here is a quick link with how busy travelling is in Japan at this time.
Yup it is even worse than usual! But at least it means that Tokyo is quiet.
My also this week we will be celebrating Ward's birthday in style at Barbacoa. Its a bit pricey, but as far as tokyo restaurants go well worth it. As long as you aren't a vegetarian (not quite true as they do have a great salad bar too). Here is a quick link to the place. If you live in Tokyo, get your butt there and try it out. If you don't live in tokyo... well next time you visit!