Two Quotes about the weather...

Two quotes about the weather that I remember and often like are as follows (I am paraphrasing a bit as I don't have the exact quote)
"Everyone complains about the weather but nobody does anything about it" - It is my understanding this was said by Mark Twain.
Basically pointing out there is little to no use to complaining about the weather... you really are powerless. So don't waste your effort, try to do better things with your time.
The next one is from a guy I worked with many years ago... we called him Paul K.
Paul K said about Japanese weather: "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes." Pointing out how quickly the weather seems to change here. Both figuratively and literally I guess. Well to proves Paul K.'s point! We have sun over the next to rain.
So take that Mark Twain... we bitched and the weather got better!!!
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